Film about VQ Legal making legal work more efficient

Today we launch the third and last commercial for now about our online solution VQ Legal and the topic “Challenge your working methods”. VQ Legal is a digital associate, a legal robot, who produces all legal documents needed for a specific matter upon the basic information provided by answering a few questions.

In this commercial, we explain how VQ Legal makes legal work faster, more efficient and quality-assured, thereby making it possible to leave the office earlier in the evening. Or spend time on more qualified tasks. See it here:

9 of the 10 largest law firms in Sweden, many in-house counsels and auditing firms, are already customers. With this campaign we aim to challenge more legal professionals to change their working methods by using VQ Legal.

We have also produced a more informative video showing more in detail how intelligent VQ Legal is. See it here:

You can also find all previous commercial on our YouTube channel.
