VQ in the LegalTech matters podcast

David Curle, Legal Content and Research Lead at Litera, invited Helena Hallgarn, VQ, to the podcast “LegalTech Matters” and in the latest episode they discussed the report “The Changing Lawyer”. They discussed trends and findings from the regional reports, and[…]

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Launch of Legal Standards Monitor

In March last year, the Changing Legal think tank was founded by Richard Tromans, Artificial Lawyer, together with thought leaders and experts from across the legal industry to help develop ideas that would drive systemic change in the legal world, including VQ founder[…]

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VQ in LegalTech Around the World Series

LegalTech Around the World is a webinar series by the College of Law, Centre for Legal Innovation (Australia, New Zealand and Asia-Pacific) that explores what’s happening and where in legaltech, region by region, around the world. The host of these series is[…]

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Den innovativa juristen 2021

Rapporten Den innovativa juristen är nu här med intervjuer med bland annat VQ:s grundare Helena Hallgarn. Rapporten, som är framtagen av Oskar Wahlström innehåller mycket intressant läsning med fokus på kreativitet och nytänkande inom juristbranschen! Enligt en undersökning gjord av[…]

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European Women of Legal Tech 2020

Last night the final stage of the European Women of Legal Tech Awards 2020 took place, with 50 winners named across five categories (Law Firms and Professional Services, In-house and Business, Entrepreneurship, Academia and Education, and Public Services, Politics and Social) and amongst the winners were[…]

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VQ stödjer Familjens Jurist i digitaliseringsarbetet

Nyligen redovisade Realtid.se en undersökning som visade på att Familjens Jurist hamnar i topp bland populäraste arbetsplatsen för unga jurister före många av de traditionella storbyråerna (“Affärsjuridik tappar i attraktivitet”) vilket vi som samarbetspartner i deras olika digitaliseringsprojekt tycker är väldigt[…]

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