Merry Christmas 2010

We wish all of our customers, partners, fellow Knowledge Management and Strategy professionals and friends a merry christmas. Thank you for a wonderful first year for our new venture Virtual Intelligence VQ and for all positive response, encouragement, support and exciting assignments.

When summarising this year we realise that we have managed to achieve quite a lot, but most of all that we have had a truly joyful and positively challenging time with VQ since the launch in March. Here are just some of the things that we have done during this first 9 months with VQ;

  • Launch of VQ Knowledge management strategic advice and consulting with several exciting assignments for law firms of various sizes, legal departments and banks;
  • Launch of VQ Training Courses with among other things a KM course as part of the legal training programme of IntoTorg;
  • Launch of VQ Legal – a new intelligent legal service for standard document packages within corporate law (for more information about VQ Legal, please se;
  • Publication of articles in international magazines such as Managing Partner Magazine and KIM Legal Magazine (for example “Streamlining knowledge”, “New Horizons”, “On the knowledge”, “A strategic imperative” and “Thought leader”);
  • Arranging a two-day international conference at Grand Hotel with internationally well-reputable speakers covering a wide range of topics of interest for leadership, strategy, innovation and technology.

We look forward to an even more exciting and positive year 2011. This year we will among other things facilitate the following two events

  • Workshop with Introduction to KM, KM Legal Europe Amsterdam, 25 January 2011
  • Knowledge Management Workshop, IBC Eurofurm conference Bolagsjurist, 10 February 2011

We will also focus further on VQ Legal and develop more document packages and more functionality, add English translations and company registration information.


Helena Hallgarn and Ann Björk
