Legal Innovation in Stockholm – SCC News

On 4 October 2011, Professor Richard Susskind will speak in Stockholm on the changing role of the legal profession, at the annual conference VQ Knowledge and Strategy Forum.

Professor Susskind is an independent adviser, a frequent speaker on the future of the legal profession and the author of numerous books, most recently The Future of Law and The End of Lawyers? Professor Susskind will be joined at the conference by a distinguished panel of speakers, including the Secretary General of the Swedish Bar Association Anne Ramberg.

The event will be moderated by the Swedish arbitration profile advokat Christer Danielsson, Danielsson & Englund.

The SCC is a media partner of VQ Knowledge and Strategy Forum 2011, and last year’s event was chaired by SCC Secretary General Annette Magnusson.

– As the global legal industry is undergoing an evolution prompted by changing commercial contexts and landmark developments in technology, arbitral institutions need to be involved. This is essential if we want to maintain the status of international arbitration as a relevant tool for international business, says Annette Magnusson in a comment.
