VQ Forum 2017

Welcome to the 8th annual VQ Forum on 19 October 2017

VQ Forum brings together legal professionals to discuss the future of the legal market from both an in-house and outside counsel perspective. Internationally renowned speakers and champions of change will provide interesting, practical and visionary insights and explore the impact of the technological advances.

This year's main theme is Digital Transformation and Legal AI. The impact of technological advances and the potential disruption of the legal market will be explored, with case studies and examples of successful reinventions in practice. A special focus will be given to AI in arbitration and litigation, and to issues regarding digitalization and compliance.

Even though we are still at very early days for legal AI, the speed at which the use ofartificial intelligence is spreading across the legal world suggests that the overall impact of the entire legal AI sector over the next few years is likely to be a gamechanger.

Learn for example about law firm Cuatrecasas' legaltech startup acceleration program Acelera and how digitalization and innovation is part of the management of the firm's resources.

Furthermore, Mats Lewan, author, international keynote speaker, futurist, consultant, journalist and research analyst focused on the future and on technology, will address the question whether digitalization is a threat or an opportunity and offer the tools for understanding the mechanisms of digitalisation and AI, how to respond and how to benefit from this fundamental change, looking in particular at the legal profession.

Richard Tromans, founder of TromansConsulting and the global legal AI news site Artificial Lawyer, will focus on the potential for AI to disrupt the law firm business model, and discuss new opportunities with AI together with inter alia DLA Piper's Director of Innovation Adam Hembury and Country Managing Partner for Sweden Gustaf Reuterskiöld, and Christer Norström, co-founder and working chairman of Racefox.

Dr. Christian Sandström will share his insights from the recently published research report concerning how digitalization affects the legal sector in Sweden. These insights will then be discussed by inter alia PG Ekbom, Partner at Hamilton, Lena Almefelt, General Counsel at EQT Holdings and Ralph Versweyveld, Wolters Kluwer.

Furthermore issues regarding digitalization and compliance will be discussed with inter alia Filip Johnssén, Senior Legal Counsel, Privacy, at Klarna Bank, Christina Wikström, Managing Partner & Attorney, Wikström & Partners Advokatbyrå, and Zarina Virsholm, Partner and Co-founder of Sharp Recruitment.

A special focus will also be given to AI in arbitration and litigation, with input from speakers such as Paul Cohen, barrister and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Technology in International Arbitration, Christer Danielsson, partner at Advokatfirman Danielsson & Nyberg and repeatedly identified as one of the 60 most in demand arbitrators in Europe, Annette Magnusson, Secretary General of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, and Patricia Shaughnessy, director of the Master of International Commercial Arbitration Law Program (LLM) at Stockholm University.

Please find further speaker and program information under “Speakers” and “Program” to the right.

Report VQ Forum 2016 on the future of legal service