VQ Forum 2019 on the future of legal service

On 17 October, we held our tenth anniversary of VQ Forum in Stockholm. 200 law firm managers, general counsels and other legal market professionals from over 100 companies attended the day for discussions on the changing legal marketplace and the future of legal service.



When we started VQ Forum ten years ago, we wanted to do something completely new and different and to create a platform where everyone interested in the more strategic parts of the legal business could connect and discuss the developments from all aspects. Our aim was to create a forum where thought leaders and champions of change in the legal profession could share their insights and where practitioners could meet to jointly discuss the most significant aspects of the coming changes from all kinds of perspectives.
When looking back, we are proud to see how we have addressed relevant issues during these ten years, see our summary of VQ Forum 2010-2019.

Now, when we have celebrated the tenth anniversary, it is great to see that VQ Forum has evolved to become Scandinavia’s leading legal innovation event and the kind of inspiring meeting place that we aimed for. After ten successful years, we feel though that it is now time for us to consider new ways of being in the forefront of the development and highlighting ideas and supporting knowledge sharing around legal innovation, and have decided that our tenth VQ Forum will be our last one. Instead we will consider new ways to promote legal innovation and how we can create new platforms for ideas regarding new innovative legal services. But we are really happy to announce that Norstedts Juridik will take over from 2020, so this platform and meeting place will continue to live on.



This year’s main theme was Law 2.0 and the demands of innovation from all aspects. During the day, the speakers explored the theme via four main topics; digital transformation of the business, the current state of transformation and whether we have become digital or not, developing Law 2.0 with a new organisation and new legal tools, and the future of legal service.

Since this was the last VQ Forum that we arranged we had some special surprises this year, such as a candy stand and a music quiz. And at the end of the day, the tenth anniversary was celebrated with a gala dinner with entertainment.




More photos from the day are available here: VQ Forum 2019 photos

Read the full report from the day here with a summary of all sessions: VQ Forum 2019 on the future of legal service

Thank you to all of you who made this tenth VQ Forum such a wonderful day and night to remember! Thank you to all speakers, delegates and exhibitors, and a special thank you to moderator Patricia Shaughnessy, for making this grand finale everything we could ever have hoped for!

And thank you so much for all the kind words, support and encouragement that we have received since we started VQ, it means the world to us.
