VQ founder Helena Hallgarn portrayed in CXO Magazine

In a recent interview with CXO Magazine, Helena Hallgarn shared her professional journey in the legal tech sector, the inspiration behind establishing Virtual Intelligence VQ, insights on the challenges in and future of the legal tech sector, future plans, and much more.

In the article, Helena Hallgarn talked about her background in the legal tech sector, from the serendipitous start as a junior associate at Mannheimer Swartling in Gothenburg, to a move to the Stockholm office and the development of an interest in modernizing legal work by the use of technology, which eventually led to the embarkment on the venture known as Virtual Intelligence VQ together with the colleague Ann Björk, and the creation the now well-established tool, VQ Legal.

Helena Hallgarn also shared her views on what the legal industry of the future ideally should look like, how she sees the lawyer tomorrow and what three qualities a modern lawyer should have, the hinders for the evolution of the legal industry and what changes that need to be made to foster it.


The interview is published in the November issue of CXO Magazine on pages 24-33.

(It can also be found here.)
