”This is the most exciting time ever to be in legal tech” – legaltech.se

Fredrik Svärd, legaltech.se, caught up with ROSS Intelligence CEO and co-founder Andrew Arruda in Stockholm, when he was key note speaker at VQ Forum last week. In his inspiring keynote, Andrew spanned an arch from Alan Turing to Kasparov and Deep Blue to the current state and future of the legal profession, iterating that robots are here to make lawyering less robotic, not to replace lawyers. He also said that the legal industry has continued to modernize and the interest in legal technology generally has grown substantially, and that he thinks this is the most exciting time ever to be in legal tech.

As regards Stockholm and VQ Forum, Andrew said that the excitement around legal technology and innovation was amazing to see. The fact that the VQ Forum will be in its 10th year in 2019 does point to the amount of work that has gone into setting the stage for the innovation that is occurring now.

Read the full article and see a video of Andrew Arruda’s key note at VQ Forum here: ”This is the most exciting time ever to be in legal tech”

