VQ Forum 2019 Presentations

Thank you to all of you who participated at VQ Forum and thank you to the amazing speakers for sharing their insights and experience and for giving so much inspiration. Here are the slides from the presentations that we can share digitally from the day:

Tobias Ahlin: How digital can you become?

Christian Sandström: Disruption in the legal sector?

Carl Östring: Perspectives on the Development of the Legal Industry

Annette Magnusson: Digitalisation of Arbitration

Ylva Strander: LegalTech Innovation

Nicholas Hawtin: Software is Eating the World

Friedrich Blase: Ten years and still no real change in sight - reflections on the law firm business model

Alex Hamilton: Building a New Firm in Practice - Opportunities and Pitfalls

Karl Chapman: Creating momentum by taking those no regrets decisions - EY Law Insights and Lessons

Therese Järnankar: Norstedts Juridik The Future Lawyer Survey

Richard Tromans: New Legal Services

Photos from the event by photographer Björn Leijon: VQ Forum 2019 photos